Sunday, November 20, 2011

Extrovert VS. Introvert

   I think I am an Extrovert because I have friends and I'm not very shy. I am very outgoing and an expressive person. I tend to get bored when I'm not around people. If everyone were Extroverts the world would have lots of people who want to make friends. There would be many people that get bored when they are alone. There would be many loud expressive people who just speak their minds without thinking. If everyone was Introverts everyone would like to be alone they are happy when they are alone and they don't get bored easily. Introverts are energized when they are alone but when they are around people their energy is drained. Everyone would avoid each other. I prefer to have friends that are extroverts because they are like me we would have a lot of fun just expressing ourselves. I also have friends that are introverts  but, sometimes it's harder to be friends with Introverts because they prefer to be alone. I think that Extroverts are better leaders because they know how to deal with people. They like being around other people so they are more likely to work better with people. I think Introvert are better writers because they have more time to themselves. OS they have more time to think about the depth of what they are writing. I think both would be good neighbors because there are things in both of their personalities that could make up a good neighbor. I think Extroverts are better teachers because they will be more open to learn about the people they are teaching. They will interact better with the people that they are trying to teach. I don't think that being Introvert or Extrovert matters in today's society because all types of people are needed to run this world.

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